Audit & Assurance Services

An audit is the Chartered Accountants profession’s highest level of assurance. A thorough audit involves providing an opinion on the reliability, accuracy and completeness of the financial statements. In addition, we provide management and those charged with governance with innovative strategies to improve efficiency and effectiveness of business operations, effectiveness of controls over financial reporting and an objective viewpoint of the current state of the organization.

If your organization does not need an audit, but does need some limited assurance or a Chartered Accountant to prepare financial statement, we can help. A review has a more narrow scope than an audit; it involves applying analytical procedures to management’s financial data. A compilation is where our team helps your management in presenting financial information in the form of financial statements.

Our Auditing Services Includes:

  • External audit;
  • Internal audit;
  • Assurance reporting;
  • Investigations and accounts review;
  • Contract/ outsourced internal audit.